2 Important Lessons my 5yr old taught me about Joint Ventures
- Co-Create don’t simply Comply: Like some working mothers at times I’m plagued with guilt or thoughts that maybe I’m not spending enough time with my child. When this feeling gets particularly strong and we hang out together, we end up doing whatever she wants to do. This week we went to the playground. When she wanted to play tag we played tag. When she wanted to get on the swings I followed her to the swings, and then to the slide; until finally she turned around and said to me “Mom if you are going to play with me you need to come up with some things to do. Don’t just do whatever I want to do.”
It reminded me that our play was a joint venture and if I want to play I need to bring something more than my compliance to the table. Simply going along with her plans was not the most effective use of our co-play. I did not add partner value. There is a difference between the relationship that exists between partners and the relationship that exists between employer and employee. I was behaving like an employee instead of a partner. I needed to bring my own skills ideas and innovation.
- Compliments don’t Compete: Later I pointed to a large slide and suggested we slide down together. She sat beside me and at the last minute I thought it would be fun to race down. Instead of holding her hand and going down together I sped up and got to the bottom first and proudly announced. “I won!” when she replied. “But mom, we’re not racing. We’re on the same team so if I lost then you lost too.” Immediately I saw her point. We got on the slide a second time held hands and with the extra weight and gravity we got to the bottom twice as fast together.
Sometime we get so use to doing things on our own that we need to be reminded when we’re on a team. When we work as a team we all win. In a partnership it is always more about the end goal and the mission than any one team member. Remember to always put the mission first.
Join the Conversation: Please do share some of your joint venture experiences especially if they relate to the lessons learned listed above. Also share some lessons that you have learned from your children.
Posted by Rasheem on Monday, December 30th, 2013 @ 9:09AM
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