Archive for ARTistry
Solange, She ain’t Mad for nothin
(Below are some of the Lyrics from “Mad” by Solange, featuring Lil Wayne from the #ASeatAtTheTable Album) You got the light count it all joy You got the right to be mad But when you carry it along you’ll find it only get up in the way They say you…
Posted under: ARTistry, Black Womanist Epistemology, Counter-Narrative, Uncategorized
Beyonce, Sexuality & Feminism
From a very young age, I taught my daughter that she is the boss of her body. A moment that illustrates her understanding of this came when she was about 4 yrs old. We were at 6 Flags and she was on a slide in the kiddy area. At the…
My Secret Weapon for 2014…. Shhhhh Don’t tell anyone.
Why a calendar is the single most important tool I’ll use this year? A calendar is the simple foundation upon which I build my planning, strategy and implementation. It is not merely a function of knowing what day of the week or month it is at any given time. It…
Top 6 Reasons that S.L.A.M. is good for Cooperative Economics
When was the last time you (Support Local Artist and Musicians) S.L.A.M.’d? Reason Number 6. It’s More Affordable How many times do we purchase art locally that is better than something produced by a big name artist?… All the time right! I’ve found that 90% of the time the only…