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STEP Into the Garden
Do you remember the film STEP? The one that centers around the lives of 3 African American teenage girls from Baltimore and their experiences with being members of a STEP team…. Yea that one, well guess what? TKF and Jubilee have partnered to create a five part STEP series throughout Baltimore…
Top 4 Most Dangerous Beliefs about Racism
#4 You have to be White to be Racist. Racism is mistaken for individual pre-judgement alone. Individual pre-judgement alone has no power and without power, at it’s worse it is simply bigotry not racism. Racism according to Google 🙂 is “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific…
Because of HER, I can
“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.” –Bruce Barton As a product of teenage pregnancy and a heroin addict father, I decided very early in life that I did not want to merely be a product of…
I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl has felt) a thumping from within unanswered by any beckoning from without. – Anna Julia Cooper Every day I try to make one simple goal, #Be_More. The goal is not to be more than my favorite celebrity, or more than…
Someone’s waiting for you to be MORE
Make a conscious effort to fulfill your natural instinct to Be More in the direction of your passion. Whatever that looks like for you. Wanting to Be More does not come from a place of disliking who or what you are now. You can love your life and still realize…
A Dissatisfied LIFE
Despite our true nature we’ve become convinced, by people, circumstance, conditions and statistics that barriers are dead ends or a sign that we are not meant to thrive; instead of simply looking at them as a part of the process or just mechanisms that we need to explore navigate and…
Solange, She ain’t Mad for nothin
(Below are some of the Lyrics from “Mad” by Solange, featuring Lil Wayne from the #ASeatAtTheTable Album) You got the light count it all joy You got the right to be mad But when you carry it along you’ll find it only get up in the way They say you…
Posted under: ARTistry, Black Womanist Epistemology, Counter-Narrative, Uncategorized
#ASeatAtTheTable “Cranes In the Sky”
I’m so glad we are getting to a point where we (Black Women) are creating our own tables. “I tried to drink it away. I tried to put one in the air. I tried to dance it away. I tried to change it with my hair. I ran my credit…
7 Things to tell them #IfIDieInPoliceCustody
#1. Please tell them I’d never kill myself, especially if I was on my way to start a new job and the only reason I got pulled over was for a routine traffic stop. Please speak up for me when I cannot. #2. Please tell them, I’m non-violent and I…
Baltimore, I see you
Baltimore, I see you, I’m reading your signs, and fists in the air. I see you in tears. I see you standing in solidarity. Baltimore, I hear you, You want answers, you want justice, Baltimore, You matter, Your sons matter, your husbands matter, you cousins,…