3 Master Strategies on How Underdogs WIN!

(Lessons learned from reading Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the art of battling Giants and how it can benefit your Nonprofit)

How do Underdogs Win?

  1. For smart underdogs their disadvantages become their advantages. Their limited resources tend to cause them to be every creative with knowing how to leverage what they do have.  Other times they take unconventional routes because they either don’t know any better or have limited access to other means. Underdogs take paths that are not pre-paved and this works to the underdog’s advantage because not only does it turn them into innovators but because of the unique challenges they face their ability to handle complex situations  and problem solve are better. There is a level of desirable difficulty that builds the pioneer muscle and make them even stronger than their opponent in a particular regard. When you are an underdog in size, in wealth, in education you began to believe in something in YOU that is greater than all of those outside forces combined. Victory after victory your confidence builds and you put your trust, faith and efforts in that source within you. You believe in yourself in a way that the wealthy believe in money or in a way that a giant believes in size. 

I have always believed that there is something within all of us that is greater than our circumstance. When the ‘so called’ underdog sees that they will see that their circum-stance is just that, the area that surrounds where they stand. It is not them. It does not define them.


2. When the rules don’t work in your favor, make your own.  Successful David’s take unconventional approaches.   Goliaths are typically use to operating under a specific set of conditions. The Giants of the world have learned and leveraged these conditions and in some cases are so accustomed to operating at an advantage that when the playing field is leveled they feel at a disadvantage. This limited view on how things ought to be done can be your advantage. Refuse to play the game in a way that puts you at a disadvantage. “There are a set of advantages that have to do with access to resources and there are a set of advantages that have to do with a lack of resources.” –Malcolm Gladwell When both advantages are equal chances are just as good for David as they are for Goliath.  Underdogs bring the unexpected. Unconventional strategy.

3. As my friend Cheryl Wood says “Create your own Sizzle.” Giants have platforms, conferences and other venues to display their genius. As an underdog it is often considered an honor to sit at the feet of a giant, to be considered acceptable in their sight and perhaps taken under their wing and coached. We strive for the best and attach our value to being associated with Giants. There is nothing wrong with creating an allegiance with a giant and walking in their footprint. However, should you find yourself knocking on a giant’s door only to never get an answer, be willing to make your own footprint.   Sometime the choice is Prestige vs. Visibility or Stability vs. Freedom.  Instead of being a small fish in someone else pond. Create your own pond. Decide not to wait for permission to step into your greatness.

Other Steps to overcoming Goliath

  • Have a willingness to try harder than anyone else.
  • Identify the strengths you have that are unique to underdogs
  • Identify Goliath’s disadvantages
  • Identify the rules of the game… then learn how to bend them without breaking

Don’t misunderstand this. Underdog strategies are hard. Do yourself a favor and get the help that you need.

If you have a David and Goliath story you would like to share please post it below. 

Posted by on Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 @ 8:37AM
Categories: Latest Post, Personal Note, Uncategorized

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