Archive for Uncategorized
Empathetic Listening in Business Communication
Empathetic listening is listening beyond the facts. It means paying attention to the strong emotional background of an issue and personalities involved. Empathetic listening, also referred to as active listening, can be particularly beneficial in mediations and negotiations in the workplace. This is not a technique to be used when…
The Power of Choice
All people are capable of following the path of continual improvement through consistent reflection and self-evaluation. One of the most frightening and liberating things to discover is that no one has more control over your success than you. No one, not your parents, manager, friends, family, politicians, no other person…
STEP Into the Garden
Do you remember the film STEP? The one that centers around the lives of 3 African American teenage girls from Baltimore and their experiences with being members of a STEP team…. Yea that one, well guess what? TKF and Jubilee have partnered to create a five part STEP series throughout Baltimore…
Top 4 Most Dangerous Beliefs about Racism
#4 You have to be White to be Racist. Racism is mistaken for individual pre-judgement alone. Individual pre-judgement alone has no power and without power, at it’s worse it is simply bigotry not racism. Racism according to Google 🙂 is “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific…
Solange, She ain’t Mad for nothin
(Below are some of the Lyrics from “Mad” by Solange, featuring Lil Wayne from the #ASeatAtTheTable Album) You got the light count it all joy You got the right to be mad But when you carry it along you’ll find it only get up in the way They say you…
Posted under: ARTistry, Black Womanist Epistemology, Counter-Narrative, Uncategorized
Baltimore, I see you
Baltimore, I see you, I’m reading your signs, and fists in the air. I see you in tears. I see you standing in solidarity. Baltimore, I hear you, You want answers, you want justice, Baltimore, You matter, Your sons matter, your husbands matter, you cousins,…
Remember we are Human-BEings not Human-Doings
So for the upcoming week instead of a To Do List. I’ve constructed a To Be List: Be Punctual Be Prepared Be Grateful Be Supportive Be Intentional and always Be More. … What’s Your To Be List?
The Tyranny of Positive Thinking
When we confuse our experience with our identity we miss out on our wholeness. For example if we do something we consider ‘bad’ we then call ourselves bad. Saying things like I am bad. ‘I’m a bum’ I’m lazy etc. If we grew up in a particular circumstance some of…
The Abortion: and why it’s important that I share this story
I want to share with you a true story about a young girl who became pregnant at the young age of 15. She was pregnant at a time when it was common practice to send your pregnant daughter away for the summer with out of town family and in secret…
Beyond the Veil: Today is my Wedding Anniversary
I have not been married very long, so I will not claim to have the secrets to a long marriage. Love itself seems to mean different things to different people. I doubt there is a universal definition that will satisfy all. Marriages are also as different and complex as the…